Please forgive me for not posting Blackie’s story like I said I would. This type of behavior is frowned upon by Tannie Man. He keeps notes. My, little, evil OWL-ish, computer manager.
So now about The Sweet B, Blacks, BBB….here is his story:I found him in a garden hose with Tannie Man, when they were very young kittens. So young that their eyes were barely open. They are brothers and I think Tannie is older than Blackie, but who knows!
Blackie was always a reserved kitten. Not a big snuggler with humans. When he was very little, his idea of a cuddle was to sit on your forearm. Really, he would just balance on your arm. Not into the lap. But if you picked him up when he was nodding off, you could cup him in your hands and he would sleep peacefully!
As Blackie grew into a teenage kitty it was clear that Tannie would rule the roost and B would just follow happily behind. Funny thing, the B knew his name but he understood that Tannie would come to anyone who called “Blackie.” Blackie would wait to see if Tannie would respond to his name, if not, then Blackie would trot on over to the person who called him!
About a year ago Blackie had to go to the vet for some issue. He was gone overnight and it was strange. The house felt so empty. Tannie looked sad, Miss S was looking for Blackie all over the house and that day I realized something… Blackie is the glue that holds our furry family unit together! And we did not know it, until that day.
Blackie is a friend to all kitties. He and Miss S are good buddies. Miss S just worships him, even though she loves to nip on his toes til he meeps. Tannie has the best brother. The B will lick Tannie’s head and then sniff catnip with him before a big wrestle.
And for me, well the B is my “big guy”. As my brother says, B may not know who he is or where he is, but he is a very sweet and loving kitty.
Recently he has become very amorous. If I am on the computer, he just waits until I make room for him in my lap then jumps up. Most nights, before the lights go out, he snuggles up to me in bed and rubs his nose all over the book I am reading.
He is my sweet BBB!Love to the B,
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South & Lyn
Kitties, ask your humans to tell us where you were found, or born, in their comment. Edsel was found in a TIRE!