Miss Simba kitty here. After a nap or having a snack at the food bowl, it is always good to scratch n stretch. I do this in the kitchen under the window. This is also my favorite sun spot. Funny thing, none of us kitties likes to scratch furniture? Mom says that because we just like our kittie condos the best!
Miss S
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South
Kitty scratching posts and condos are the best. I forgets sumtimes and scratch a chair, but not hard. Bonnie's got no front claws, so it doesn't matter. Sumtimes, I go REALLY wild and bounce in circles wif my claws out, grabbing carpet. Scratching and stretching are wonderful! Are you guys coming to Finny & Buddy's party on St. P's Day?
We are good about using our tree and it is all torned apart at the bottom. Better than the carpet, Mom says......
A big stretch is always good. Keep the muscles in tone.
Good stretch, Miss S - keep it up and you'll stay fit and trim!
You are very good poodies for not scratching the furniture ~Poi Mom Jane
Scratching is great excercise! I like to sratch on my cardboard thing. Mom has this old cloth sofa that I scratch, but only on one end.
Bear is very good about not scratching the furniture and uses his scratching post. He dreams of some day owning a really tall kitty condo tree.
Bear really really wants a kitty condo :-)
My human pet threw away my old scratching post because she was going to buy a new one. Several months later, no new scratching post! I have had to resort to scratching up her moving boxes in the garage which should teach her a lesson soon enough!
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