Hi all ya'll furries,
Blackie is almost back to his normal self. Those drugs really worked well on him. He even takes his pills with no fear. Not me I would run!
All week Mom sat with Blackie in the walk-in closet. So I would jump on the bed and watch Mom pet Blackie. I just don't understand why they were in the closet. She even brushed Blackie in there. It made me very curious. Miss Simba ran in & out of the closet like a jack rabbitt ... she is nuts.
Now Blackie sleeps with us on the bed at night!
Tannie Man
Yay Blackie! Good kitty. :-)
YAY!!!! So glad Blackie is feeling better!
Tannie Man thank you for the good news about Blackie. Kitties just like dark & quiet when they don't feel well and it was nice of your mom to respect that & leave him to his closet.
So happy to hear that Blackie is feeling better. You mum did a good nursing job.
That's great news!
love and purrs,
Hi! We're new, we found you on The Four Furry Cats. We just read your posts, and we'r soooo glad to see that Blackie is doing better! Our thoughts and purrs go out to him and his recovery!
We were looking around to find other blogging cats to tag on a game passed on to us...so if you're feeling up to playing...you've been tagged! If you'd like to join in on the fun, please come and visit our blog at www.pawpath.net to read the rules (and read the post named "Tag! You're It! 5 Things About Us").
Our Very Loudest Purrs,
Bambi & Leo
Glad to hear Blackie is better. When are Tannie Man and Miss S. going to sign up for the Gorgeous Gingers?
You've been tagged for the 5 weird things/habits game. Find out about it Here
This is the best kind of news ever. I hide in the walk in closet too, when i am feeling poorly and Momma spends lotsa time with me. I have a bad tummy sometimes, you know.
Mittens Pollypaws
oh, I'm so glad Blackie is feelin' better. sometimes some hidey time and pills are exactly what's needed to make the sickies go away
Poor Blackie! I hope he's ok now. Yur Mom was furry good to him when he didn't feel good. Cheer up, Tannie Man an Miss S., Blackie will be all better soon.
Cally Cat and Merlin Hound are clapping paws. Good boy, Blackie! Your friends in SA are very happy to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully the other two rascals don't start playing too rough with you too soon. :-)
Good news wif Blackie! YAY
Drop by for a visit. It's our one year annerversarry!
I'm glad Blackie's feeling better. When I have to take pills I push them out with my tongue. Mom and Dad laugh and curse at the same time. Last time, they thought I'd taken it, then they found the pill stuck on my fur a few minutes later.
Woooohooooooooooo!! We are sooooo glad that Blackie is feelng better. Sometimes the vetty bean does do good stuff. But reely Blackie prolly got better by himself and wif yore mom taking such good care of him.
Finny & Buddy
Oh we's furry glad Blackie is feelin better!!! Your Mommy was so nice to sit wif him in the closet. Yall gots a furry nice Mommy.
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