Thanks to the last comments my mom just realized that I'm a Tuxey Kitty!
Mom also realized that I look so familiar because I look like Sockington the famous Twitter kitty. Go Google him.
Meantime here are photos of me.
FYI, that Little Bunny is not very nice to me right now so mom has LB staying in the master bedroom. LB has food, water, litter box & lots of soft places to sleep. LB also gets windows to watch birds & er, mice.
What are mice? Mom says the neighbor lady feeds the birds so much that mice come from all around to eat the bird seed. Do I like mice? Mom says NO. Kitties don't like mice at all. Okay ... Anywhoo, I don't go outside so whatever.
Meantime I love my catnip heart. It's red & furry. Makes me frisky.
I hope you all have a good day!
Please send good vibes to Little Bunny, mom says she is very territorial & is doing her best to cope. By the way, she can really fluff up. Mom says she looks like a gray blowfish! Whaaat?
Do I like fish?
The Whippy Curly Tails
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Are you seeing double: =^,,^= & =^..^=
Hey there ... Whoa! Who are all ya'll?
And why am I on this interwebby thingy?
And whoooooooooo is that other Black Cat ... They call her Daisy Jiji & she likes to hiss. A lot! That's her in the background. Snoozing high atop. I have white feet & white whiskers ... I'm a tux type of guy!
Well ... Whatever! I love my mom & that's all that matters. She loves me & lets me ride on her shoulder. My furrever home. I'm a happy guy. I am!
(Yep, I did it. I saw this sweet guy at the store where I buy my dog treats & cat toys. It's a wonderful family owned pet store. They always have a kitty available for adoption. I saw this guy four times before I finally picked him up & he snuggled in my ear ... And that was it! He had to come home with me. The ginger kitties could care less about him. The dark kitties ... Oh boy, they are miffed. Daisy Jiji has chased him about four times & she's finally beginning to accept him. Little Bunny is really challenged by the new guy. She is just not sure what to do ... But has chased him three times. Tonight she just stared at him. He puts up with all of this in such a gentlemanly way! Whatta guy. Barely a year old. I'm not worried. Eventually they will all adjust. Oh ... The dogs are already in awe of him. The new guy is clearly the boss of them. =^..^= )
We hope you are all doing great. The Human Beans too!
Love & purrs,
The Whippy Curly Tails
And whoooooooooo is that other Black Cat ... They call her Daisy Jiji & she likes to hiss. A lot! That's her in the background. Snoozing high atop. I have white feet & white whiskers ... I'm a tux type of guy!
Well ... Whatever! I love my mom & that's all that matters. She loves me & lets me ride on her shoulder. My furrever home. I'm a happy guy. I am!
(Yep, I did it. I saw this sweet guy at the store where I buy my dog treats & cat toys. It's a wonderful family owned pet store. They always have a kitty available for adoption. I saw this guy four times before I finally picked him up & he snuggled in my ear ... And that was it! He had to come home with me. The ginger kitties could care less about him. The dark kitties ... Oh boy, they are miffed. Daisy Jiji has chased him about four times & she's finally beginning to accept him. Little Bunny is really challenged by the new guy. She is just not sure what to do ... But has chased him three times. Tonight she just stared at him. He puts up with all of this in such a gentlemanly way! Whatta guy. Barely a year old. I'm not worried. Eventually they will all adjust. Oh ... The dogs are already in awe of him. The new guy is clearly the boss of them. =^..^= )
We hope you are all doing great. The Human Beans too!
Love & purrs,
The Whippy Curly Tails
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Best kitty video - Rufus Tower by Billy Browne
I love this & want to marry this guy --- Rufus too!
Whippy Curly Tail's mom
We love Billy Browne .. He's Australian we hear!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Another nickname ... !
It's me THE DAISY JIJI aka ...
The Swiss Cheese
Oy! Mom is always giving us new nicknames. Why? It's a mystery. I once was called Swiss Miss & then it morphed into The Swiss Cheese. Oh well. I respond because I get food & cuddles!
Then there are these two crazy hounds. Mom calls them lots of things. I call them trouble!
Double trouble.
Without me where would they be?
I keep my eye on them. I sniff them when they come in from the great outdoors. I also yowl really loud to let mom know they are at the door & want in. If mom doesn't move fast enough I get very close to her & raise my yowl to ear deafening level. Heh heh! She moves then. AND I get kisses on the head. THEN I sniff those dogs over when then run in. This horrifies mom. She thinks I will get walked on. Pfft. I'm too fast!!
BTW Flower, the white hound, always smells really interesting! That's because she rolls in all kinds of weird stuff outside. Ha! Mom says it's just gross ... But that's what dogs do. King must not be a dog because he doesn't smell as dicey & doesn't roll in things. Hmmm? What is he then?
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Daisy Jiji aka The Swiss Cheese
& all the WCTs
It's me THE DAISY JIJI aka ...
The Swiss Cheese
Oy! Mom is always giving us new nicknames. Why? It's a mystery. I once was called Swiss Miss & then it morphed into The Swiss Cheese. Oh well. I respond because I get food & cuddles!
Then there are these two crazy hounds. Mom calls them lots of things. I call them trouble!
Double trouble.
Without me where would they be?
I keep my eye on them. I sniff them when they come in from the great outdoors. I also yowl really loud to let mom know they are at the door & want in. If mom doesn't move fast enough I get very close to her & raise my yowl to ear deafening level. Heh heh! She moves then. AND I get kisses on the head. THEN I sniff those dogs over when then run in. This horrifies mom. She thinks I will get walked on. Pfft. I'm too fast!!
BTW Flower, the white hound, always smells really interesting! That's because she rolls in all kinds of weird stuff outside. Ha! Mom says it's just gross ... But that's what dogs do. King must not be a dog because he doesn't smell as dicey & doesn't roll in things. Hmmm? What is he then?
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Daisy Jiji aka The Swiss Cheese
& all the WCTs
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Tug-O-War with the Hounds!
So ... You know these 2 dogs live with us right? Well they do. And this is what they love to do the most ... Play with our human Uncle. He really ruffs up the dogs & they love him. They even know his ringtone on our mom's phone -- James Bond theme song.
Funny about our Uncle ... He is also the kitty whisperer with Miss Simba. She loves him!
Daisy Jiji
& all the WCTs
So ... You know these 2 dogs live with us right? Well they do. And this is what they love to do the most ... Play with our human Uncle. He really ruffs up the dogs & they love him. They even know his ringtone on our mom's phone -- James Bond theme song.
Funny about our Uncle ... He is also the kitty whisperer with Miss Simba. She loves him!
Daisy Jiji
& all the WCTs
Friday, July 20, 2012
Yo, let's play!
Hello all you furries,
We have been helping mom get the house fixed. This is because mom has torn up almost all the flooring in the house. All of it. Mom is nuts! Anywhoo ... Good news, there is this pretty dark stuff in our play room now. See the pic below ... It's me & Tannie Man.
That's me on the left with the pretty aqua girl eyes & grey furrs. Tannie is the gold ginger boy. We are working on being better friends since Tannie's brother Blackie went to the Rainbow Bridge in May.
Mom is helping to encourage our friendship by playing with us together - a lot! She bought this pretty green rug from Ikea & spends lots of time whipping our stick toys around on it.
We LOVE stick play time.
Mom knows this "friendship plan" is working because she has caught Tannie & I snuggling. Our first snuggle was very difficult. Tannie tries to lick my head. Eeek! So I gave him a bitey. Not a good idea. Mom intervened & ask me to relax, with soft head pats. After several snuggles like this I have finally figured out to just relax & let Tannie lick my head. Blackie didn't do that. So I had to adjust. Not so bad! Tannie & I have had 2 successful snuggle events. Yay!!
We hope you are having a good Summer so far. Stay safe, stay cool & be kind to those your love, including those you don't know well. (Avoid giving the bitey!)
Much love, Little Bunny
& The Whippy Curly Tails
Hello all you furries,
We have been helping mom get the house fixed. This is because mom has torn up almost all the flooring in the house. All of it. Mom is nuts! Anywhoo ... Good news, there is this pretty dark stuff in our play room now. See the pic below ... It's me & Tannie Man.
That's me on the left with the pretty aqua girl eyes & grey furrs. Tannie is the gold ginger boy. We are working on being better friends since Tannie's brother Blackie went to the Rainbow Bridge in May.
Mom is helping to encourage our friendship by playing with us together - a lot! She bought this pretty green rug from Ikea & spends lots of time whipping our stick toys around on it.
We LOVE stick play time.
Mom knows this "friendship plan" is working because she has caught Tannie & I snuggling. Our first snuggle was very difficult. Tannie tries to lick my head. Eeek! So I gave him a bitey. Not a good idea. Mom intervened & ask me to relax, with soft head pats. After several snuggles like this I have finally figured out to just relax & let Tannie lick my head. Blackie didn't do that. So I had to adjust. Not so bad! Tannie & I have had 2 successful snuggle events. Yay!!
We hope you are having a good Summer so far. Stay safe, stay cool & be kind to those your love, including those you don't know well. (Avoid giving the bitey!)
Much love, Little Bunny
& The Whippy Curly Tails
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Thank you all !!! My BBB ...
Dear dear Human~Beans,
Your support has been so appreciated.
Every comment I got came straight to my cell phone & each was the best virtual hug. Ever!
So thank you ... I needed all those hugs.
I'm doing much better & am thankful every day that Blackie was in my life!
Here he is with Little Bunny doing his most favorite thing ... Watching the world go by.
Below is a bit of what's been going on with with the rest of the furry crew ...
It has been quite weird with Blackie gone.
He was the hub in the household & we were all the spokes.
So ... We are all trying to figure out how to roll on with life.
Little Bunny was very close to B. She is trying to figure out how to bond with Tannie.
Tannie is Blackie's brother.
Tannie & LB are committed to trying to cuddle ... It will take forever. Gah.
Both are snugglers & get too overstimulated to relax with each other.
Blackie was a pillar of snuggle ... They all leaned on him & he endured ... They loved him.
They would settle down to give Blackie a head bath & then they would snooze up next to him, he would take a deep breath & enjoy!
Meantime while our world is tilted I've finally begun finishing home remodel projects.
This is just what we needed ... Positive change.
Floors are going in ... I tore out all the carpet. Gorgeous hard surfaces going in, some cork even!
The two dogs are loving the parade of workers, all of whom love dogs.
Flower is especially fired up about this. She loves people!
To supplement all the chaos, the dogs are getting weekly bones from the butcher ... Happy dogs!
Daisy Jiji & Miss Simba are doing great. DJ is still bossing the dogs around. Still amazes me.
Little Bunny likes to terrorize the dogs ... She walks by & spits at them.
They look at her like she is a nut. She is. : )
I leave you with this nice pic of Blackie ... I plan to have it printed & framed.
It's a wonderful photo from 2007. I love it.
A rare snuggle ...
Hugs to all of you.
The Whippy Curly Tail's mom
Your support has been so appreciated.
Every comment I got came straight to my cell phone & each was the best virtual hug. Ever!
So thank you ... I needed all those hugs.
I'm doing much better & am thankful every day that Blackie was in my life!
Here he is with Little Bunny doing his most favorite thing ... Watching the world go by.
Below is a bit of what's been going on with with the rest of the furry crew ...
It has been quite weird with Blackie gone.
He was the hub in the household & we were all the spokes.
So ... We are all trying to figure out how to roll on with life.
Little Bunny was very close to B. She is trying to figure out how to bond with Tannie.
Tannie is Blackie's brother.
Tannie & LB are committed to trying to cuddle ... It will take forever. Gah.
Both are snugglers & get too overstimulated to relax with each other.
Blackie was a pillar of snuggle ... They all leaned on him & he endured ... They loved him.
They would settle down to give Blackie a head bath & then they would snooze up next to him, he would take a deep breath & enjoy!
Meantime while our world is tilted I've finally begun finishing home remodel projects.
This is just what we needed ... Positive change.
Floors are going in ... I tore out all the carpet. Gorgeous hard surfaces going in, some cork even!
The two dogs are loving the parade of workers, all of whom love dogs.
Flower is especially fired up about this. She loves people!
To supplement all the chaos, the dogs are getting weekly bones from the butcher ... Happy dogs!
Daisy Jiji & Miss Simba are doing great. DJ is still bossing the dogs around. Still amazes me.
Little Bunny likes to terrorize the dogs ... She walks by & spits at them.
They look at her like she is a nut. She is. : )
I leave you with this nice pic of Blackie ... I plan to have it printed & framed.
It's a wonderful photo from 2007. I love it.
A rare snuggle ...
Hugs to all of you.
The Whippy Curly Tail's mom
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I will always love you Blackie ...
Dear Furries,
My sweet boy Blackie has gone over the Rainbow Bridge today.
I am so so sad & deeply heartbroken.
Yet glad he is in a better place. A place without diabetes.
About my sweet boy ...
I rescued Blackie & his brother Tannie in the month of May.
He & Tannie were napping in a coiled green garden hose.
He was only a couple of weeks old.
Just a baby!
He was the sweetest kitty. A very independent boy.
Unlike Tannie he was not a cuddler, but he loved to be with me in the bathroom.
He would sleep in the bathroom & purr like crazy when I brushed him on his fluffy bed of towels.
Countless times I would find him snuggled up with Little Bunny in there - cozy kitties.
Because of this, when I went shopping for a house I bought the one with the best bathroom!
Lots of counter space & 2 great sinks to lounge by.
I am happy that for the last years of his life he really enjoyed making the bathroom his sanctuary.
So much love dear Blackie.
I will miss you forever,
Your Momma Cat
My sweet boy Blackie has gone over the Rainbow Bridge today.
I am so so sad & deeply heartbroken.
Yet glad he is in a better place. A place without diabetes.
About my sweet boy ...
I rescued Blackie & his brother Tannie in the month of May.
He & Tannie were napping in a coiled green garden hose.
He was only a couple of weeks old.
Just a baby!
He was the sweetest kitty. A very independent boy.
Unlike Tannie he was not a cuddler, but he loved to be with me in the bathroom.
He would sleep in the bathroom & purr like crazy when I brushed him on his fluffy bed of towels.
Countless times I would find him snuggled up with Little Bunny in there - cozy kitties.
Because of this, when I went shopping for a house I bought the one with the best bathroom!
Lots of counter space & 2 great sinks to lounge by.
I am happy that for the last years of his life he really enjoyed making the bathroom his sanctuary.
So much love dear Blackie.
I will miss you forever,
Your Momma Cat
Saturday, May 05, 2012
A "tail" of two 'Frackers'
Hello all ... It's me Tannie Man aka Sweet sweet T,
Our friend over at the Rose Jugglers found mom's reference to the Frackers funny.
Mom wishes she could laugh. (We do!)
So ... Those dogs that live with us spend most of their indoor time thinking of new places to Frack in the backyard. I think they are looking for ways to better utilize the outdoor space. (They've been watching too much HGTV I think!)
Anywhooooo. Last week they dug a super big hole in the backyard. Mom was so happy they were exhausted that she didn't say, "bad, bad, bad dogs." Instead she let them sleep. And they did. For hours!
This new hole was about 2 feet deep & almost to China per mom. It's so deep she put an empty pot in it & is planning to plant a big something in it. (Little Bunny hopes she plants a treat-tree, better known in these parts as kitty-krack-in-the-silver-purple-bag via the nice ppl at Purina.)
Yep, it's a ZOO around here!
Tannie Man
WHERE are the TREATS !?!
Not that real chicken stuff you make the dogs! The real crunchies that come in the silver & purple pouch.
** WHERE ARE THEY ... Please go to the store if we are out. **
Little-est Bunny
We love May!
Hey ya furries,
We are just figuring out how to use the new layout.
This is Miss Simba! She was scared of the sprinkler, but not anymore.
Me, I'm not scared of it. I've got better things to do than worry about water! ... Like chasing moths & chasing Miss Simba. Hee hee.
Always bad in a good way,
The Daisy Jiji
Friday, January 06, 2012
Flower's big event via Daisy Jiji
Hey all you Kitties out there ... It's me DaisyJiji !
Youngest kitty of the bunch & best friend to the doggies in my house.
Yes yes I am.
Hey all you Kitties out there ... It's me DaisyJiji !
Youngest kitty of the bunch & best friend to the doggies in my house.
Yes yes I am.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these big ole doggies!
That's me in the pic below with them, King & Flower.
I show those doggies how to eat grass.
Mom says that I must be watched by all of us when I am outside. WHAT!?!
Me ... I would never trot off ... Okay, well yes I would. ((silly wiggle))
Anywhoo ... The story.
Flower is only 7 months old & she had a crazy day yesterday!
Read on:
We call her Flower POWER. Cuz she is a force of nature.
Nothing like Mr. King.
Flower is a wild girl.
Mom says she is a working doggie. Needs to be busy.
Mostly she is busy chewing on Mr. King's ankles or licking my entire head. ((ick))
Well, yesterday mom took the doggies to the dog park & Flower got in big trouble.
Yep! Mom says she got herself busy into the bottom of a crazy dog pile.
Big men at the dog park braved the frenzied pile & got Flower out.
Mom says Flower boohooed a bit.
Everyone at the dog park was mortified. ((nice of them))
Mom hoisted all 40 pounds of Flower up into her arms & carried her out like a big basket of Flowers. ((Ha ha!)) Just like a bunch of heavy white tulips. Imagine?
I hear Flower was wagging her tail the entire way. Like a goofy white flag of surrender.
Mom said Mr King was bouncing around like a village idiot nipping on Flower's furry white toes. Dogs honestly they have no brains ... I know this firsthand. Gah!!!
When they came home our mom promptly lifted Flower onto the kitchen counter.
WHAT ... I was so mad! That is my domain. So I glared at this & turned my back on them.
Flower licked mom's face while mom examined every inch of her poop/leaf covered body.
That hound smelled bad. What is in that dog park anyway? Is it just a big litter box?
Mom found nothing of interest & lifted her down.
She walked all around the kitchen with a very happy face.
Mom washed her own face. Dog licks are hard to remove. I know!
I "heard" from Tannie Man, he watched this ... Not sure if we should believe him.
But Tannie says Flower took a BATH. In the house! NO.
Gah ... I drink from a bathtub. Horrors ...
Tannie says mom plunked that crazy Flower into the guest bathtub.
He claims to have watched the entire bathing event.
He says Flower loved it.
Mom served up warm bubbly water with special doggie shampoo.
Flower really loved the extensive neck washing ... lots of icky stuff there.
Tannie says Flower was gazing at mom with love in her eyes. (whatever!)
Good news, this DID NOT HAPPEN IN MY BATHTUB. Phew!
Tannie watched Flower drink from the faucet. Eww.
And then Flower shook ... Oh my!
I guess there was water & poo everywhere.
Tannie ran off at that point. He is a smart kitty.
Glad I missed that!
The good news is Flower is clean, happy & healthy looking!
She got to sleep in a very clean & warm quilt from the laundry room ... Wow.
Tomorrow she is going to visit the "horrors" VET.
Mom had to give Mr. King a special treat ... he felt very left out & had his sad face on.
As for myself ... Well, I had to sneak up on Flower while she slept & sniff her furs.
I also licked her ear a little bit.
She smelled really good ... like a Flower!
Daisy Jiji
Cutest kitty of the land
Ps. For the Poupounettes:
(old unpublished post for you!)
Our Mom is very remiss in providing details of the puppy, Flower aka Flower Power!
I saw in the last post that you had left a comment regarding the pup.
The pup-tales below are from our Mom.
Meantime I will be off to enjoy the cool crisp weather ... In hopes of seeing a little green lizard via the screened in porch.
xxoo Miss Daisy Jiji
Dear Poupounettes,
I have been a very busy puppy-Mom wrangling all the critters in the house.
Puppy rearing is a daunting task not to be taken lightly ... And with much love!
June 2011 I realized Mr. King needed a buddy & girlfriend. Daisy Jiji was doing a great job of being a good kitty pal. But she was not up to the task of wrestling or chasing squirrels with. In addition, Daisy Jiji is a solo girl. She prefers her own company in her adventures.
Mid June I began a puppy search for the right pal for King & the kitty clan. I needed a small dog with good kitty mojo or a puppy with some spunk. I tried with breed specific rescue organizations ... Filled out all the forms, altered my vet for the reference phone calls & WAITED. And WAITED.
Like obtaining King, I had no patience (King came from Craigslist) I needed a dog now! All the dogs I tried to adopt, were adopted before I could see them or the foster homes were busy & could see me in a couple weeks - Hmmm, I think they were attached to the dogs!
Finally I decided to go to Operation Kindness a wonderful no-kill rescue facility. I decided to go with my instincts & get the dog or puppy that caught my eye. The day I went I found a sweet brown puppy! After waiting an hour for the staff to find the pups records it turned out it had already been adopted. Alas I went home with no puppy. It was hard to leave without adopting another kitty! So many pretty kitties ... All in a safe & wonderful place. So I drove home without a doggy pal for King.
A week later I woke early in the morning & decided to go back to Operation Kindness. I had been on their web site and had seen no update regarding puppies. By this time I had decided to get a puppy after discussions with the staff, due to my kitty clan. We agreed a pup might adjust better to my existing group the best.
I walked up to the door to find the facility wasn't open yet. Already a small crowd had gathered outside. I peeked into the window to see if there were any puppies in the lobby. I saw some little bitty Dachshunds & some German Shepherd pups. Um, nope ... Not quite right.
They opened the door ... We all herded in. I decided to take a seat in the lobby & chat with the staff once everyone received help & was settled in. About 10 minutes later a door in the back opened & out came staff with a bag of shredded newspaper along with a little fence. Right behind were 3 teenage girls, each holding a wiggling white fluff ball: Lillie, Millie & Tillie.
I fell in love!
One of the 3 pups was extra fluffy ... And before her paws touch the newspaper I had her in my arms. My new puppy!
Flower came home with me July 7th.
She had been fixed & she was a spitfire! The drive home was hilarious ... She tinkled in her crate, growled at me, barked fiercely periodically & then spent most her time watching the world go by in the car. Fearless is how I would describe her trip home. The minute she saw King she went straight for his mouth & hasn't stopped licking it since. =^,,^=
About Flower:
She loves King.
She is a Taurus.
She is 4 months old.
She & Daisy Jiji have found their happy place, finally.
Above all, she & King spend hours wrestling. HOURS!
She gets into all kinds of trouble ... Beyond King's puppy days!
She take everything away from King in the house - He loves it.
She guzzles water out of the hose with vigor & finds a good mud bath rejuvenating.
King is the best 'puppy' dog. He lets her bites his ears, legs, tails & any other body part that goes by her mouth.
Flower's first visit to the dog park was great, very different from King. She has tons of confidence, has places to go & people to greet. Upon entering the park now, all the humans call out her name & she runs like the wind into their laps. A 20 pound cream puff!
I saw in the last post that you had left a comment regarding the pup.
The pup-tales below are from our Mom.
Meantime I will be off to enjoy the cool crisp weather ... In hopes of seeing a little green lizard via the screened in porch.
xxoo Miss Daisy Jiji
Dear Poupounettes,
I have been a very busy puppy-Mom wrangling all the critters in the house.
Puppy rearing is a daunting task not to be taken lightly ... And with much love!
June 2011 I realized Mr. King needed a buddy & girlfriend. Daisy Jiji was doing a great job of being a good kitty pal. But she was not up to the task of wrestling or chasing squirrels with. In addition, Daisy Jiji is a solo girl. She prefers her own company in her adventures.
Mid June I began a puppy search for the right pal for King & the kitty clan. I needed a small dog with good kitty mojo or a puppy with some spunk. I tried with breed specific rescue organizations ... Filled out all the forms, altered my vet for the reference phone calls & WAITED. And WAITED.
Like obtaining King, I had no patience (King came from Craigslist) I needed a dog now! All the dogs I tried to adopt, were adopted before I could see them or the foster homes were busy & could see me in a couple weeks - Hmmm, I think they were attached to the dogs!
Finally I decided to go to Operation Kindness a wonderful no-kill rescue facility. I decided to go with my instincts & get the dog or puppy that caught my eye. The day I went I found a sweet brown puppy! After waiting an hour for the staff to find the pups records it turned out it had already been adopted. Alas I went home with no puppy. It was hard to leave without adopting another kitty! So many pretty kitties ... All in a safe & wonderful place. So I drove home without a doggy pal for King.
A week later I woke early in the morning & decided to go back to Operation Kindness. I had been on their web site and had seen no update regarding puppies. By this time I had decided to get a puppy after discussions with the staff, due to my kitty clan. We agreed a pup might adjust better to my existing group the best.
I walked up to the door to find the facility wasn't open yet. Already a small crowd had gathered outside. I peeked into the window to see if there were any puppies in the lobby. I saw some little bitty Dachshunds & some German Shepherd pups. Um, nope ... Not quite right.
They opened the door ... We all herded in. I decided to take a seat in the lobby & chat with the staff once everyone received help & was settled in. About 10 minutes later a door in the back opened & out came staff with a bag of shredded newspaper along with a little fence. Right behind were 3 teenage girls, each holding a wiggling white fluff ball: Lillie, Millie & Tillie.
I fell in love!
One of the 3 pups was extra fluffy ... And before her paws touch the newspaper I had her in my arms. My new puppy!
Flower came home with me July 7th.
She had been fixed & she was a spitfire! The drive home was hilarious ... She tinkled in her crate, growled at me, barked fiercely periodically & then spent most her time watching the world go by in the car. Fearless is how I would describe her trip home. The minute she saw King she went straight for his mouth & hasn't stopped licking it since. =^,,^=
About Flower:
She loves King.
She is a Taurus.
She is 4 months old.
She & Daisy Jiji have found their happy place, finally.
Above all, she & King spend hours wrestling. HOURS!
She gets into all kinds of trouble ... Beyond King's puppy days!
She take everything away from King in the house - He loves it.
She guzzles water out of the hose with vigor & finds a good mud bath rejuvenating.
King is the best 'puppy' dog. He lets her bites his ears, legs, tails & any other body part that goes by her mouth.
Flower's first visit to the dog park was great, very different from King. She has tons of confidence, has places to go & people to greet. Upon entering the park now, all the humans call out her name & she runs like the wind into their laps. A 20 pound cream puff!
We adore her!
WCTs Mom
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Dear Alice ... We shall miss you. Quite a bit ...
Dearest Bloggyville,
Our sweet friend Alice, from We are the Rose Jugglers, has made her way over The Rainbow Bridge today.
We are very sad to know that she has left, but happy that she is amongst friends.

She was the first doggie to inspire our mom to get King & Flower.
Our mom loved to take walks with Alice & her mom.
Alice was the first doggie friend King made in the big city & he loved to walk with her.
Lots of love,
The Whippy Curly Tails
PS. We will see you there one day sweet Alice.
The Little Bunny
Dearest Bloggyville,
Our sweet friend Alice, from We are the Rose Jugglers, has made her way over The Rainbow Bridge today.
We are very sad to know that she has left, but happy that she is amongst friends.
She was the first doggie to inspire our mom to get King & Flower.
Our mom loved to take walks with Alice & her mom.
Alice was the first doggie friend King made in the big city & he loved to walk with her.
On every walk, she would sniff everyone's front yard with her wonderful black nose!
Alice's bark was fantastic.
As a beagle mix, she could really get that bark going for all to hear ... Loud & clear.
She enjoyed fuzzy toys & soft blankets to snooze on.

She brought so much joy to her family & all those that met her.
Alice was a truly sweet dog with the most beautiful ears ...

For you Alice this very special poem ...
The Rainbow Bridge
(inspired by a Norse legend)
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
As a beagle mix, she could really get that bark going for all to hear ... Loud & clear.
She enjoyed fuzzy toys & soft blankets to snooze on.
She brought so much joy to her family & all those that met her.
Alice was a truly sweet dog with the most beautiful ears ...
For you Alice this very special poem ...
The Rainbow Bridge
(inspired by a Norse legend)
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
Lots of love,
The Whippy Curly Tails
PS. We will see you there one day sweet Alice.
The Little Bunny

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