That's right ... I am the LB, queen of all I can see. And I see you lookin at me. Hmmm ...
So, we have been very busy round here!
Mom says we are lucky to be purrin & eatin, cuz we all was a sickly bunch ... All but that Miss Simba Kitty! It was really bad. But we are all very well & very hungry. Status quo!
Tannie Man - gold boy, still cuddles with Mom. Morning, noon & night. NO kidding. He l-o-v-e-s her.
Blackie - My main man. I snuggle with him all the time. He doesn't like it. So, sometimes I do my special girl call & we do the faux- you-know-what. Tee hee. Mom has to break us up. Hey, we are both not ready to have kittens & can't. But, well ...
Daisy Jiji - Livin for the water in the tub. She also chats a lot & growls at Mom when Mom doesn't pay attention to her ... Like right now!
Miss Simba Kitty - gold girl, she just hangs around on her favorite chaise lounge & watches TeeVee with Mom. She loves the pets while basking under the mid-century modern lamp ... And baby food. Mom feeds her with a spoon. S-p-o-i-l-e-d that one!
Me - Ever since our flea outbreak, I have learned how to rocket around the house on "high ground!" The fleas are gone - Mom wacked them all on the head & Daisy Jiji chased them out ... Honest, she popped them with her paws. I like to speed around jumping from all the tables, chairs, beds and leap upon window sills or into sinks. I can stop on a dime!
Anycat, hope you all had a really great Summer - We are glad Fall is here. Wind in the whiskers, ya know!
The Little-Est Bunny aka Speed Racer ... Faster than a Flea!!
P.s Click on my purrtiful pic to see my hot wheels aka my toes & my headlights aka my teal eyes!