Friday, November 25, 2005

Illustration Friday: "Small"

Small friends in small get-away places.

Click on the image to see the details better.

This was Miss S when she was feral. Now that she has been rescued, she has been an indoor kitty for 2 years! =^..^=


valerie walsh said...

ooooh, nice!

Trout Fishing on Oahu said...

Excellent piece. I assume the alterations come via Photoshop. I see I'm going to have to include my cats in one of my entries.

Dorkus Americanus said...

Howdy from Thalia in San Francisco (in a fancy new get-up)

Fabu Kitty

vfm4 said...

lovely picture, lovely colors, all that yellow...

JacqueLynn said...

SOOOO compelling and the shadow of the fence adds great interest.

merlinprincesse said...

Same story for Merlin. And they look alike!( I think I've already told you that...MMMMM) Very nice work with this pic. Colours are gorgeous!

carla said...

Pretty photo...I really like the colors. Questions: 1. Is Miss S a boy or a girl? I thought that the orange tabbies were always male. 2. How quickly did she/he adpat to being indoors? My feral cat Romeo (who died last year) never really turned into a 100% domestic cat. He would cuddle on the bed at night, but wouldn't let me approach him and pet him, and I had him for several years.
Your cats are so just wouldn't be the same without them:>

WCTs said...

Miss S is a girl. I have not heard that orange tabbies were boys only, just that calicos are only girls.

She loves other cats and so once she saw another can in the house, she would spent time with them and run from humans.

She is still very jumpy, but will boo hoo for pets and head kisses near her food bowl--food is safty to her....she has just begun walking on the bed for pets and head cuddling yet!

Eternity said...

life must be great living indoors.. =)

Twinks. said...

Hi Kitties!

I think you look very beautiful, Miss S!

Come visit our blog!

Hugs and Kisses

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Captured the wild look from far away . . . Now to go practice that look myself. Bet it would scare that hissy kitty down the block if I did :-)
