Momma Cat is on an extended vacation visiting Grandma in the Toasty South. Uncle Pablo, her former human bean, was at Grandma's house and took this wonderful photo! Enjoy!

Do any of you poodins/furr cakes spend vacation with your Grandparents ??
The Whippy Curly Tail in the Toasty South
Hi Lyn ;-)
I love how the cats are calm... I'm envious
I've linked my blogs to your.
Have a nice weekend ;-)
Our grandparent beans come over to take care of us and give us some attention. One grandpa bean especially likes something called cable tv that we have. We like that he sits on the sofa, cause he makes a nice cat sofa and gives good pats while he's busy watching.
Ditto on the grandparent watching cable here but lots of TV watching and snoozing. Make for a nice warm couch potato for my kitty cat!
This is a wonderful photo! She looks like a queen.
The Tart
Yes, I went to spend Christmas with my human grandma in Devon. (my mum and dad came too). I don't like driving four and a half hours in the car to get there but once I am there i like my grandma's house. She has had some problems with mice but as soon as those mice knew Fat Eric was in town they all packed up and left, Grandma was very pleased with me.
Grandma lives too far away but when she visits, GK is sure to get lots of additions to his wardrobe. She just sent over a lovely package of fabrics for new outfits. And is knitting him new hats!
It wuz wunderful to have you all at the nap a thon.....better late than never!! Purrs....
My people's parents all live far away, so if my people go away, they ask someone to come feed me. I chased away two grown men (my man's friends - HA! They have cats), but if it's the girl from cross the street, she's ok. My people tried leavin me at a kennel, but I showed them who's boss. They couldn't even touch me to go home. Pfft. My house. No travel.
My grandparents live far away in Ohio (we're in South Carolina) and they have a little dog (I think I weight more than she does, since she's been on a diet) so it's best that we just stay home. Vacation for us is having the windows open...
Uh, we get to go to the kennel, but fortunately mom does not travel much.
The next trip we get to go with! I heard it's coming up. We are practicing lots, 'cause I'm in a competition that we have to travel to go to. That will be SWEET.
Mommy allays takes us on vacation wif her. she cannot stand to leave us alone. Well, ok, it's 'acause grampa norton needs to take medikshun and he will only take it for her.
What a striking photo! I can't wait until we get the sun back in Michigan so I can pose for a photo-shoot like this!
Wish it was sunny and toasty here, it is cold AGAIN! I added you to my links today.
No, we are spending vacation alone 'cause our selfish 'beans won't take us. We have a PET SITTER coming in but who knows how that will go. ~Poiland Tribe
Nah, we don't go anywhere because our mom is a "homebody." I thought she was just a mom.
great photo!
i'm beginning to think your babies expect to be photographed. they know their fans live for the glimpses!
Nice use of available light! My kitties would freak if we sent them on vacation. They like staying home. =)
This is a wonderful photo. I am a cat lover too. Cats are soothing, I believe they are the philosophers of the animal kingdom.
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