Hello fm the Little Bunny,
Firsts - Things are fine. But they were nots good here in ourz house. No, not too good.
Tannie Man gotz sick really fast. Mom noticed his back legs were not working. He acted like he had a tummy ache. So she quickly took him to the VETS!
Tannie says she cried all over the place ... He was embarrasseedded. She cried in the car, the VET lobby & in the examins roomz & in the car. Sheesh. He says she gotz lots of hugs & bottle waters at the VETS.
Anywayz, Tannie had mysterious 1-day virus. Maybe even a hairball ... We found it later, after he came home. Weird, that Tannie just hopped right outta the carrier when he came home that day ... Almost a changed kitty. Mom ... She is still jittery & stares at us, gives us treats & makes us drink lots of water -- See that's me in the pic, up above!!
So, sorryz Mom has not beens blogging. She just got wore out. AND, that Tannie is as good as new ... Maybe better, he gotz a B12 shot & anti-botics. He is back ta rassel-in with me. Yippee.
~ Hay, we gotz an Awardy. Mom is gonna do a big thx to the Awardy peeps next post. K?
Little Bunny
The Whippy Curly Tails
PSSSSSSSST Tannie is gonna tell ya bout the Boogeymanzzzzz next time. Get ready to run under you rug or beach towel or the sheets!!
Khool trikhk BUT it isn't nice to skhare your mom THAT much!
Hi Little Bunny! Glad that you are feeling better. It is nice to meet all of you and learn about your adventures. Thanks for visiting my blog. We'll be checking in.
Purrs, Halloween
I am sure glad Tannie got better. Hope with all my heart that he stays that way! I hope nobody else catches it.
I am glad that Tannie Man just had a one-day virus and that he's fine now. That's a scary thing to have happen.
Whew! My Mommie would be very scairted and upset, too. Thank goodness Tannie is getting better!
We are sorry to hear he wasn't feeling well, but glad to hear he is better. Ms. C's sis gets b12 shots too. We hear they are miraculous. Hairballs are no fun! Mom moved me (Abby) off the couch this morning when I hopped up to show her how I could hack one up.
Abby & Stygia
We think your Mom must have been very very scared for Tannie Man. We're glad he's better.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
How scairy, our mom would absolutely flip out. Purrs for now, please try to relax everyone and take it easy.
Siena & Chilli
We're glad Tannie Man is okay now! But we can unnerstand that your mom cried a whole bunch...our mom wudda cried bunches too if one of us had gotten real sick like that!
I think you and your mom need a nice, cozy relaxing weekend!!!
Purrs for everyone to well better real quick!!
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
whew we is happy our buddy Tannie is ok - we was scairt there for a minute!!!!
Tannie Man, we are relieved to know that you are feeling better now. We don't blame your mom for being scared!
We are so glad to hear Tannie Man is feeling better!! Those B12 injections work wonders for Cal.
Our mom has cried at the vet several times too, it is embarrassing!
We're glad Tannie is okay, but your mom sure was upset. She must have been real scared.
Oh man, it's not good to make yoor mommy cry. Dey do get kinda freeky when we is sick, even just a little bit sick. Glad Tanny is okay, we wouldn't want him to get sick.
Nice to meet you guys!! I am so glad Tannie is ok. Sometimes we kitties do get a flu bug just like beans do.
Oh my! That is very scary! I'm so glad Tannie Man is all better and it was just a 1 day virus.
That must have been scary for both Mom and Tannie Man! Gald every thing is OK now!
Yoor poor Momma!! She musta been skaird poopless!!
Glad to heer hims is ok now!!
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