The birds have built a nest above the window too...so there is always interesting nesting-type-material falling out...like yarn, paper, string, etc. Over the years we have not seen any baby birds, but we do hear lots of chirping and occasionally a squirrel ventures too close to the nest and it sounds like a bird concert as the offending squirrel is run off my momma & daddy bird.
Miss S asks: Do all the blogging kitties, out there, have a favorite window? If yes, tell her about it...she loves to hear everyone’s kitty stories,
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South
Our favorite looking out window is the big sliding doors to the deck where the bird feeders are hanging.
Second favorite would be the picture window by the throwup couch, where we can see the whole park across the street
We have a bird window too. Theres a tall shrub by the front window and sparrows are always hopping in & out of it all day. The back of the couch is right there so it's easy to sit & watch them. Plus there's lots of squirrels out there too!
Ouh....these are great pictures..adore this. Also love cats..thank you!
-Marjorie Ann
Brach and I like to sit at the sliding glass door and watch the chipmunks race by.
Mom also made the spare bedroom window into a "Cat TV" by hanging the bird feeder right outside. We sit on the bed and watch (mentally hunt) the birds all day long!
Yup we do! It's the big slider door in the back. Mom puts bird seed out there and she grows birds for us to watch. We cackle at them and tell them we're gonna catch them and eat them up some day!
Finn & Bud
Lyn - I have two blogs - or perhaps I should say - I have a blog and my cats have a blog. You can see pics of them on their blog at LesTroisChats.blogspot.com. Every now and then, I'm signed in to "my" blog (MightyAndSublime.blogspot.com) and when Turtle, Moose and Nala look at their kitty friend blogs, they accidentally post a comment as me! (Identity crisis!)
I don't know what they might say as me - I had better be more careful!
Thanks ~
tammara, mom to tm&n
Hi Lyn ;-)
Thanks for your visit on my blog !!
You & Miss S are fortunate to live sorrouded by trees.
We live in a small penthouse in Barcelona city with a terrace. Yerarly visit us "Pajarindi". She (or he) come back from nord Europa. In Bcn climate is mild then the rest one. Our cats (Violeta, Chondy & Tasmy) be mad about her/him.
Glad to meet you.
I like to sit on the railing that divides the living room and TV room cuz I can look both East and West! Two for one.
I also like the patio door upstairs, till Mom broked my tail in it (more about that after the nap a thon at our house this weekend) (are you coming?)
Our main birding windows face North (with feeders) and South (with street). But my most favoritest window is the West window in the people's bedroom. It gets the bestest sunshine late in the day. But there's nowhere to sit when our windows are closed!
I love all of my windows, its hard to pick just one. I can see my birdies and the other little critters outside from all of them. I can move and get the sun in lots of the windows too.
what could possibly beat a sunny birdy window??
Hi kitties!
My kitties don't have a bird window. They have a gerbil tank!
Twinks ;)
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