Happy shares his home with Pablo and Miss Belle--better known as the Wilda-beast! Belle has made the one kitty tree in the house hers...so Happy Cat ask Santa for his own tree. Santa had quite a time getting the tree down the chimney...(and up 3 flights of stairs!) but here it is.
Enjoy, Happy Cat...Wilda-beast beware! =^..^=
PS. Here is a closeup of Miss Belle, below:

What an awesomely cool kitty tree!! Hope Happy Cat gets to use it. Miss Belle sounds a bit bossy like she might lay claim to the new one too.......
whoa, that tree is way cool!
Wow, that is one big cat tree. Happy New Year and thanks for adding me to your blog roll.
I love it! What a great Santa Paws!! Thanks for adding me to your blog roll too! You are added to mine.
Wilda-beast is a member of the Hedonist Club and says NO! Have a WILD new Year };-}
Happy new year to you all!
(AndI so want a tree like that now!)
Oh, OH, I wantta come play too!!!
That close-up of Miss Belle is so very sweet. I could look at it forever. The top one of Happy is very good too. That "playful innocence" that we all know.
Merlin and Princesse are now jealous.... >^..^<
Hey Whippy Curly Tails,
That looks like a great tree to rock. Did you try?
Hey Whippy Curly Tails,
Thats what I like to see. Team work! I think if I had a tree like that I'd just pee on it then tear it up. Guess that's why you don't see too many dog trees.
Have fun!
Sweet - MOM I want one!
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