I haz a secrets! It's about Miss SSSS. See that picture of her, above, that Mom took today ...
Well, Miss S is dreaming of Luxor kitty.
She luv luv luvz him! Can you believe it. It is funny cuz me & Blackie think she is such a prissy girl. But Mom sayz Miss S has such a sweet personality, even though she is a jitter buggy kitty. Every since Mom found her in an alley when she was a baby kitteh, she has always stayed a bit feral. So Mom is happy that Miss S has a crush on the Whitest of Boys - Luxor!!
Oh yeah, Mom tells us this story about Miss S ... Before Miss S came to live with us she had to fend for herself in the backyard, even though Mom left here Fancy Feast & dry snacks. Once we actually saw Miss S get a bird & run off down the alley to eat ... Yikes. Mom calls that Miss S's National Geographic moment.
Pffft. We are so glad that all we eats is Fancy Feast & dry kibbles that say they have veggies with proteins in them. Yum, yum, yummy!
Little Bunny &
The Whippy Curly Tails
When I am napping I dream of Chester, such a handsome chocolate lab, oohh, chills he he. Hope I helped out with enough info for the contest. =)
Well, I do not blame Miss S, because Luxor is a very handsome Mancat.
Luxie is a great friend of mine and one great mancat, you couldn't find a better cat.
Heck, if I was a girl kitty I'd probably have a crush on him. Luxor's got it goin' on, you know? I *know* the Woman is crushing on him...he makes her squeal.
Hi kitties! I saw you over at Mason Dixie's blog and thought I'd jump on over and say hello. It's nice to meet you all.
Huffle Mawson
Yes, Luxor is handsome :) Lately we just dream about spring!
Luxor is very mancatly and very, very white. And he's sooooo sweet! Impeccable taste, Miss SSSS!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Suddenly I feel shy - and honored, I feel so honored, Pretty Miss S. :)
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