To stay healthy Mom wanted me to tell you about how I stay in shape -- My bowling ball form! My secret ... I work my paws using my patented routine called "Pawlates" for life.
Main Entry: Paw·la·tes
Pronunciation: \paw-ˈlä-tēz\
Function: noun
Etymology: Blackie W. C. Tail †2000 United States (Texas - born) fitness instructor, chaser of Miss S, overeater, sweetest boy & somewhat clueless in a happy way!
Date: 2009
: an exercise regimen typically performed with the use of specialized apparatus - a furry paw
Since it is Valentines, I suggest you Furries incorporate your treats into my exercise regime ... Kibble, paw out, kibble, paw in, etc ...
For the Beans: Chocolate in, hand out Kibble to Furrie, repeat often, chocoate in, hand out another Kibble to Furrie (every day!)
Blackie &
The Whippy Curly Tails
Paw exercise. What a good idea. We'll have to work on that.
And Happy Valentine's Day!
Hehehe, what a fun exercise! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
Great paw-la-tes info!!! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Now THAT's the best workout routine ever! We hope you have a very happy Valentines Day.
That's some exercising we can get into! Happy Valentine's Day!
Very impressive! I know how to do yoga, but I never tried Pawlates.
Happy Valentine's Day!
smooches to yoo
I'll have to work on my pawlates. Happy Valentine's Day!
That's a great exercise! Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Hershey's kisses,
The Tart
; *
Tiger is especially impressed with Blackie's paw-work....GK says it looks like too much work and possibly stressful; Monger can't remember where he is! Happy Valentines from THE CHOCOLATE EATING BEANES
Happy Valentines Day to you. =)
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'll show woo some SIBERIAN Pawlates!
WHERE .... Kibbles too! Yummy.
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
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