Dear Voters & Blog followers ...
Introducing the new "Queen" of the household ~ Miss Daisy. She has been officially Tannie Man "approved" & has already endeared her sweet self to us, all!
Day 2, her first photo taken from the sanctuary of her own room ...

Day 3, her first nap outside of her room ...

Today, day 6 in the "pink" room, after a breathless romp with THAT Little Bunny ...

Her official portrait "Queen Daisy" ...

Fast Facts about Queen Daisy:
1. She is 8 months old
2. She was adopted from the SPCA
3. My Brother saw her at a PetCo & took me to meet her
4. My Mother named her
5. Blackie was the first to touch her nose - It got in HIS way while he was trying to eat her food.
6. Tannie was the second to touch her nose with his nose - He is such a sweetie!
7. Simba spent 5 days in the top of a cat tree as an observer - She did go out for food & litter box duty!
8. THAT Little Bunny was NOT happy about Daisy. Nope, not at all ...
9. Today, THAT Little Bunny gave in to Daisy & decided she was OK
As a new cat-mom, I have been sleep deprived & thought at moments "WHAT WAS I THINKING!" But then last night I allowed Daisy to sleep on the big bed with Tannie, Blackie & I. Little Bunny & Miss Simba went back to their normal modes of operation & slept in their favorite spots - ALL NIGHT LONG! We all slept through the night. Heaven!
Few more things ...
I have had to rip out a portion of my kitchen floorboard to allow Daisy to wiggle out of the cabinet space that she managed to squeeze into. Seriously ... She is like a tiny little mouse. I could not believe it. Panic ensued & after I tore the kitchen apart, she just walked out looking at me like, "What took you so long?"
During a tense play session with THAT Little Bunny, Daisy walked over to the bath mat Little Bunny was doing the Hidey in & just sprawled out on the mat ~ She proceeded to do a big cat bath. All I could think was how will I explain my visit to the ER after I broke up the fight. BUT, Little Bunny looked at me in disbelief. No growling or hissing ... I think at that moment LB thought, "OK. She wins!"
When Daisy gets really frustrated she grumbles & talks to herself. Usually this involves trying to get up on things or wanting back into the bowels of the kitchen cabinets - Which I have boarded up!!
I am sure I will have more stories ... Until then, thanks for all the votes & advice!!!
We are all very happy to have Queen Daisy ~ Forever.
The Whippy Curly Tail's Mom
; *
I've got to ask:
Does Huffle's Mum know she's missing?
I khan't wait fur more khat-tail tales!
Welcome Queen Daisy! Glad LB has warmed up to the situation; I knew she would eventually. If they can't beat it, they join it! Glad you've gotten some sleep finally!
Daisy is a lovely girl! It's great she has a new home.
Whoo-hoo! All hail Queen Daisy! Another homeless cat now has a great forever home, and we are so happy to hear it!
Oh Queen Daisy is darling!!
Glad to meet you Queen Daisy! We are so happy you have a furever home and some one to play with !
Welcome Queen Daisy! How sweet you look! I am glad it looks like it will work out!
Daisy you are darling!! It is so nice to meet you! What a great furever home you have found! You are gonna love it there and we are so happy for you!
The floorboard story reminds us of Maizy Grace getting stuck next to the dishwasher, lol!
Wow, Mom has never had to remodel any part of the home to accommodate us. I think this is something I need to strive for!!
What wonderful news! Congratulations to all of you!
Little Daisy reminds us of Jiji, the little black talking cat in the Japanese animated movie "Kiki's Delivery Service!"
There's a picture here:
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
She is very cute. can not wait to read more of the stories. =)
Welcome to your new home, Daisy! You got a real good name, if I do say so myself. And guess what? I used to get into that tiny space behind/between the cupboards, too! My Mommie had to seal it all up because once I got in, it was hard for me to get out.
We say that went really well! Daisy, you have the prettiest ears!
Well done! What a beauty. We look forward to many fun stories - and we're relieved the introductions seems to have gone well.
Queen Daisy! Can we be one of your subjects? You are so cute!
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