Dearest Bloggyville & Kitty & Doggy world-at-large,
We need your vote & opinion ... Vote over at the poll to the right, after you read this, please.

Our Mom has been thinking that Little Bunny needs a young gal pal to run with in the house. All 3 of us are 8 years old & we love to lounge. The Little Bunny is a wild ball of energy.
Mom's heart just breaks when she leaves the house - The Little Bunny sits in the middle of the room, looking sad. She does that silent meow thingy ... Sad, sad, sad. All of us are snoozing & the Little Bunny is wired & ready to play.
See this sweet little girl, below?
Ps. I would love it if Mom would bring that sweet girl kitty home - I am just to set in my ways to run with Little Bunny! Sometimes I must hiss at her to get some shut-eye.
See this sweet little girl, below?
Well, Mom saw her today AND snuggled with her. Mom's brother meet this kitty too & said she would be purrfect for that Little Bunny. She is 8 months old & is VERY playful. Could we be her forever home!?!

What do you think ... Should Mom bring her home?
All comments are welcome & appreciated.
BTW ... Tannie Man is doing VERY well. He is the most patient with new kitties - Even when that Little Bunny showed up.
Many thx for your thoughts,

What do you think ... Should Mom bring her home?
All comments are welcome & appreciated.
BTW ... Tannie Man is doing VERY well. He is the most patient with new kitties - Even when that Little Bunny showed up.
Many thx for your thoughts,
Ps. I would love it if Mom would bring that sweet girl kitty home - I am just to set in my ways to run with Little Bunny! Sometimes I must hiss at her to get some shut-eye.
I vote yes!
Dear Misha .. Little Bunny says THANK YOU!!!
Won't Huffle's mum and dad miss her?
SURE, it will be one less khat fur me to be tempted by!
Absolutely! Little Bunny will be much happier with another energetic cat to play with.
Yes! Yes! :)
Thank you,
Are you really ready for 5 kitty's? Are the older cats going to be OK with this? I know when Angel came, Wizard was around 7 and he loved playing with her before he got ill. He never lost his patience with her even at the end. He loved her dearly. Then when we brought Kirby in to run and play with her, she started out acting like an old woman!
She stopped playing as much and would not get close to him. Now, three months later, she is coming out of her shell and they romp and play more. she still acts like she is intimidated of him.
I think if you feel you have the time and space for her, bring her in. I am sure little Bunny will learn to love her.
We say give it a go!
Glad Tannie Man is feeling better!
We can never say no so why should you?
If you feel you are ready for five kitties, I say YES!
Most definitely ... We used to have 5 here till a couple of years ago!
I vote a big YES!
We think yes too but please remember that all may not be well immediately. It always takes time for a new kitty to settle in and older kitties to accept the newcomer. There is a product called "Felifriends" which is supposed to help and one friend told us the best thing is to roll the newcomer around in your dirty laundry basket to make her smell right!
We think if your mom already snuggled with her she's sold anyway. You should bring her in if you have enough room and resources.
With us the same thing happened like at Angels's place. Chilli, even if she's younger, took the lead and mom was very worried about Siena getting depressed and "self-conscious". She hardly played anymore. But we guess that you have enough experience with socialising cats and know about how a newby can change the existing structures. You should go back and stay with her for another longer time, get to know her character a bit. And then snap her up!
What a big decision!
Purrs and let us know please.
Siena & Chilli
P.S.: Yay to Tannie Man!
Oh yes!
Yes! We think this new kitty would be a great addition!
Hope you dot mind me popping over. I saw your comment about geting a friend and had to come see.
Oh what a lovely, if you have space and resourses, she would be a lovely playmate and near in age.
I think the word is Yes....
Can I pop back again to see the outcome.
GJ xx
Isn't it wonderful to be young and playful. I am sure it hurts Mom to see Little Bunny sad when no one will play. Good luck!
I am always for a sweet kitty getting a Forever home!
As long as you can handle another cat I say yes go for it. You will be much more a peace knowing every kittie is happy. =)
She looks like she needs a forever home ... especially because she is a house panther and they seem to have a hard time being adopted. And it would be good for Little Bunny, too. Good luck, that's a tough decision. We almost got a kitten a few months back, but it ended up with our neighbors instead.
Thanks for the award. We'll grab it and post it soon.
If what you need is play, this could be the ideal solution! My mom got me Stygia after I was settled into my new home for 3 months, and none of us have ever regretted it.
Abby & Stygia
yes! what a cutie!
Go for it!
Yes, yes, yes! That little kitty would be very lucky to have a forever home as wonderful as yours.
I vote YES!!!
Our people have considered the same question because Ms. P is close to 20 and Cinza is an unusually energy four-year-old.
Good luck making the decision.
Ms. P and Cinza
Ha! We know EVERYTHING! Hehehehehe.
You five kitties (!) are invited over to celebrate Siena's first birthday tomorrow! We will have fun in the garden and have a good round of chase.
Purrs, Chilli
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