Oh, hello ... Gotta run!My attention span is super short ... Cuz I am the Daisy Jiji. Hey, what's that? Bye .........
[To all Happy 4th or happy day. I finally took the time to try to capture Miss Crazy Town. One photo just wasn't enough. She just moves to fast & wants lots of pets along the way. Here is a sample of 5 minutes with Daisy Jiji! While I chased her around with my iPhone, all the other cats were sound asleep - Always the case. Daisy meeps at me until I play with her when the gang naps. Enjoy ... The youngest & crazyest of my bunch ~ Miss Daisy Jiji.]

Footnote: Daisy Jiji has finally gone to sleep. She enjoyed the photo shoot. Especially getting to be lifted into the cabinet with the toilet paper. I got a couple of biteys when I lifted her out!
Whenever Daisy eats she must have me there to pet her head. She happily crunches on Blackie's dry food while I sit & provide a head massage. Blackie usually watches. Yes, this all occurs in the master bathroom. It's a long story, but it works for everyone!
Daisy wrapped up her photo session at Little Bunny's snack area in the guest bedroom. A rare moment for Daisy Jiji. Usually LB chases her out. Instead she got a big snack for her hard work as a kitty model!
WCT's mom
Daisy wrapped up her photo session at Little Bunny's snack area in the guest bedroom. A rare moment for Daisy Jiji. Usually LB chases her out. Instead she got a big snack for her hard work as a kitty model!
WCT's mom
Daisy is a CrazyCat! She's a lot like Maui, who we call "Mister CrazyPants". Busybusybusy all the time, drives everyone else nutso with pestering until FLUMPH, he falls over asleep.
They must be Soul-Littermates!
Happy 4th of July!
Happy FoURth of WOO-ly!
Daisy Jiji sure is a little bundle of cuteness and energy. It looks like there is never a dull moment with her around. We wish you a happy 4th of July!
You are a good Model, Daisy Jiji
Daisy Jiji!! You do a lot of fast zoomies everywhere you go! We can't keep up with you ...
And hey!! You make a lovely model!
Great photo shoot, Daisy Jiji!!!
She's a pretty litte thing. Keeps everyone one their toes, I bet.
What a photo shoot! You are one crazy kitty, Daisy Jiji! Love the big saucer eyes -- its a little black cat thing -- just like the Tigga Tiga.
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