Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little Bunny goes GREEN ! Daisy Jiji too !

Hello Kitties,

Little Bunny here!

I have helped Mom go Green. We are planting treats! Treats I tell you. And they will go and get really big & yummy for me.

Mom says treats have names like ... catnip, catmint, cucumber, carnations, basel, watermellonz & Green Peppermints - Yummy. I know they will taste better than what she gets from out of her car.

I was a very big helper & even showed her my treat bag. She used some other little bags too. They had itsy bitsy seedy things in them. Not very tasty looking if you ask me.

While we were planting an inTerLopEr turned up - Daisy Jiji !!! She tried to give my tail the bitey. That girl !!

Go green everyfurry ... Treats galore! Rejoice the bounty of catmint & cucumbers. Bet they taste like TUNA!!

Little Bunny




Katnip Lounge said...

Ooooh, tuna-mint! Can we grow some of that?

Becky's Barnyard said...

Well good for ya'll and good luck on your growing treats. Sounds yummy.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You were such a help! Sounds very intersting, lots to nom!

Daisy said...

What a great idea! I cannot wait until you can harvest your crop!

Miss Lizzy said...

I'm with the Catnip Lounge -- bet tuna-nip is pawsome. You go, girls!
Your friend, Tiger

jenianddean said...

Mom and Dad try to grow catnip every year, but they usually let it burn up in the hot point of the summer. I hope your treats grow up big and yummy!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh! That looks like you will have lots and lots of yummy stuff to chew on! My mom only planted one small container on treats!