So now about The Sweet B, Blacks, BBB….here is his story:
I found him in a garden hose with Tannie Man, when they were very young kittens. So young that their eyes were barely open. They are brothers and I think Tannie is older than Blackie, but who knows!
Blackie was always a reserved kitten. Not a big snuggler with humans. When he was very little, his idea of a cuddle was to sit on your forearm. Really, he would just balance on your arm. Not into the lap. But if you picked him up when he was nodding off, you could cup him in your hands and he would sleep peacefully!
As Blackie grew into a teenage kitty it was clear that Tannie would rule the roost and B would just follow happily behind. Funny thing, the B knew his name but he understood that Tannie would come to anyone who called “Blackie.” Blackie would wait to see if Tannie would respond to his name, if not, then Blackie would trot on over to the person who called him!
About a year ago Blackie had to go to the vet for some issue. He was gone overnight and it was strange. The house felt so empty. Tannie looked sad, Miss S was looking for Blackie all over the house and that day I realized something… Blackie is the glue that holds our furry family unit together! And we did not know it, until that day.
Blackie is a friend to all kitties. He and Miss S are good buddies. Miss S just worships him, even though she loves to nip on his toes til he meeps. Tannie has the best brother. The B will lick Tannie’s head and then sniff catnip with him before a big wrestle.
And for me, well the B is my “big guy”. As my brother says, B may not know who he is or where he is, but he is a very sweet and loving kitty.
Recently he has become very amorous. If I am on the computer, he just waits until I make room for him in my lap then jumps up. Most nights, before the lights go out, he snuggles up to me in bed and rubs his nose all over the book I am reading.
He is my sweet BBB!
Love to the B,
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South & Lyn
Kitties, ask your humans to tell us where you were found, or born, in their comment. Edsel was found in a TIRE!
a garden hose!! i was found in a tire! sometimes great cats come from very humble beginnings!
Oh, what a wonderful story about Blackie. We love to read how kitties find their furrever homes. Here is ours:
Patches: Walked up the driveway one cold October, Mom assumes I was dropped off; all attempts to find my owner failed. I was spayed and in good health.
Mittens: Someone dropped her off in a box at the local shelter where Mom worked. She was older and growled all the time so Mom knew nobody would want her and, and the time, they weren't no kill, like now. She had also been spayed prior to being abandoned.
Mistrie: Appeared like a mystery in the woodshed, very feral. Now lets Mom pet her, and purrs and headbutts....also gives her loves nips, but won't come inside. (yet) She has been with us almost two years, no kittens, so we assume, she too, has been spayed.
Makes Mom wonder what is wrong with people!!
Edsel...in a tire, and so you are Edsel...car kitty!
Patches...great stories bout you furries. Miss S is a feral girl too.
Mom agrees...what is up with people. Hug & Love your furries, its not hard. Thanks for the neat comment! =^..^=
Mine are wayyy too busy ordering pizza with extra anchovies to write, but they said to tell you...
Sputnik and Kizmet were originally misnamed Maya and Sammie (oh the shame) and were winkled out of a local shelter.
Miss Jocelyn Bell Burnell was found with her feral mom and littermates by a grad student who thought all the kittens should be named after obscure women scientists.
Am sure there were many adventures before we all met, but they're very quiet about those days. (Ah, Joss is asking for my charge card for more pizza...gotta go.)
Bonnie came from a coworker's litter. They lived about an hour away, so they brought the kittens to us at a Kwik Trip. We examined 4 kittens in my station wagon trunk and chose Bonnie. While my hubby went to get litter, box, and food, I took kitten and 2-year old into the house. Turned my back for a second and boy chased kitten under bed. So... I'm the meanie who left her with the boy, he's a meanie for chasing her, and my hubby's the hero for bringing her food and a place to crap!
Victor was left in a box as a little kitten on the doorstep of a humane society. He was born ~Mar 1 and moved in Aug to Country Animal Haven. Oct 29, they brought him to his first and last adoption fair, at our PetSmart. We went to say hi to the kitties, and he grabbed me through the cage. While I explained we couldn't have another cat because of Bonnie, Victor purred loudly and snuggled into my arms. Then he nearly feel asleep. I couldn't resist! I called hubby and was surprised he gave in. He said, "One of us has to give in, and if I don't, you'll keep asking me about another cat." I took that as a YES and we brought him home that day.
Ok, not short and sweet like "found in a hose/tire".
Mummy isn't sure about me. What she does know is that she found me at the shelter. I had been given up for 'doption as my firsted owner was old. Mum thinks that maybe the first person got me as a baby kitty. But really not sure.
Dere wHIPPIes, WeW ill senD PICSHUREs asoon AS we can IT is h ardto NO what to POOSH and Rpizzas r gud we r full. jOSS andkiz NSPUT
(Hi Lyn -- I had to get on after Miss Joss, she was having trouble with the anti-spam character thingie and couldn't figure out how to send. Pix to come...)
We had lost our Heather (17 years old), then lost a baby kitten from the pound, Nicholas (after only having him 12 days - he had a very bad birth defect). We were all very sad. Our vet even cried when we had to put little Nicholas down so soon after Heather died. She told me she had found a kitty in their parking lot, and I could come and see her when I was ready. She was (and is) quite shy, but is the sweetest thing: Turtle (because she had to come out of her shell, lol).
Moose and Nala came from Petsmart. We went to get one, and came home with two (I wanted Nala, the kids wanted Moose). Nala never, ever bites and is pretty complacent. Moose has been a trial, but is turning into a very loving boy.
~ tammara
We found Trixie and Norton were found in the middle of a road in New Haven, CT. We had just been on that road 15 minutes before, and they were not there, but we picked them up and took them home. We were not going to keep them as we lived in an apartment, but after seeing them curled up so sweetly together we could not resit. They were barely 4 weeks old. Sammy was found in my garden. He was about 5 weeks old. I looked around the neighborhood for his owner, after all, it's kind of weird to find a siamese kitten in your flower garden. No one claimed him, so he's my little cuddle bug. I got Miles from a friend of mine who's female cat had an "oops" littler.
OH I love those stories! Princesse was from the Canadian SPC. Already a real pest, but she was chosen by my goddaughter who had just lost her father. My niece was 5 yo and I decided to get another cat and asked her to choose. Princesse is still a pest, but a nice one! Twas in 2000 and Princesse was just 8 weeks old...Half-siamese...
Merlin was abandonned and living outdoor near my best friend's house. She already had to cats so I decided to adopt him. He was about 1 or 2 yo and it was in 1999. He's the nicest of cats. Cool and very quiet. He's a dog-cat! Really!! :o)
So why do you call him BBB?
Scooby & Shaggy are brothers from the same litter. There was a sign at my work that they needed homes as the owner got a new job that involved lots of travel and didn't think it was fair to them to leave the all the time. That sign was up for 2 weeks for and all the time I kept thinking to myself I'll take them if no one else does. I hadn't had a cat since I was a kid. They were still available as the owner wanted them to go together. Shaggy had someone that wanted him only and Scooby was headed to the Humane Society. I said "no way, I'll take them & keep them toghther". And I did!
Scout was borm May 30 to a momma cat of a friend from church. A litter of 1. She sent me a picture of him when he was 2 days old, and I said I had to have him. I visited him & his momma until he was old enough to come home with me. And we are all living happily ever after. SSS's mom
Hi SSS's Mom,
I call the Blackie "BBB" because when he was a kitten he would respond to a high pitched call "BBBBBBB". Today when I really want him to come over to me I call him by the 3 B's. Even Tannie Man knows whose name this is.
Thanks for asking.
The BBB is delighted to have all this attention.
Great stories about your kitties. They have a great home and wonderful MOM!
Shortly after our 19-year-old cat Samantha died, we began looking for a cat, as our house was too still and quiet and sad without one.
We found Lyra, who was about 2 years old, through a local no-kill cat shelter. She had been in a foster home with another cat who had a litter of kittens, and when she arrived at our house, she kept searching for other cats. (I imagine she could still smell Samantha in the house.)
I suggested to my husband that we get another cat to keep her company, and started looking on the web for a kitten. Sasha and Sergei were being fostered by a family who lived near us, and we went to meet them, thinking that we were going to get only one. However, the boys were so clearly attached to each other that we couldn't bear to separate them, so they both came to live with us a couple of weeks later.
So many great stories. Make me feel all happy inside!
Over here: we she just pranced up to the door yowled really loud and demanded to be let in.
So I did. And she is still here. She owns the place, I pay her rent in small cans of fishy scented vittles.
The Tart
The mom and I were discussing this very subject last night over purrs. We plan to tell the long version soon, but here goes the short story---
Punkin: Abandoned kitty, bounced around the family, finally found a home
Luna: Adopted from the Denver Dumb Friends League, no prior info known
Sooner: Born under the mom's moms's house and knows no other family, she is semi-feral
Pete: Showed up one cold night and never left
Happy-Go-Lucky: He's a bobtail like the cat who came before Punkin and we had to have him
sweet Blackie!!
our kitties paths to us...
Tucker - came to us about 9 years ago, he was around 5 we think...his owner had recently passed away, he wound up living in a warehouse where someone started poisoning the strays :(...a friend I worked with talked us into taking him and he's been our baby ever since...he can't really meow right and he didn't purr for a long time after we got him, but he's everybody's mamma kitty now ;)
Otis and Spencer are litter mates that we adopted from the humane society...they were 6 or 8 weeks old and so tiny...there was a sister the foster family were keeping that had a spinal cord injury....good thing she wasn't there or she'd have come home with us too ;)
Pizza...ah yes, Joss, Kiz and Sput ate it all, I had some of my hubbie's excellent leftover s'ghetti. (Those little piglets.) I took a couple of quick pix of the gals and posted to Flickr under LoriAusTex. Enjoy, all you WhippyTails!
I enjoyed reading Blackie's story... always nice to read about a well-loved cat.
Since you ask, I adopted my humans. I didn't like it where I was, so I took things into my own paws. It took awhile and I was thin and hungry, but I found some good obedient humans and have ruled them ever since.
My sisters Lizzie and Caitie were adopted from shelters and Nicky (who is all black like you) has a mother who was a stray cat... when the people looked under the porch, they thought there were only 2 kittens until Nicky opened his mouth and meowwwwwwed so they realized there was another kitten there in the dark.
Oh my gosh. So many wonderful stories!
This is great. Blackie is most thrilled about his post.
FYI...Blackie has had a extra hop in his step this weekend, as I told him he is having his 15 minutes of fame!
Purrs and head pats,
The WCT's Mom in the Toasty South.
Blackie sounds like one very sweet boy. How fortunate that you found these little guys.
A post from Lucky's family "edited"..see note below.
Lucky said...
I was found in my family's church parking lot one Sunday as they walked out after church. My momma says I was an angel sent straight from Heaven, my daddy says I am a devil in an angel disguise, whatever that means. Anyway, I was very friendly. I walked up the little girl and said “Hi” in my best little boy voice. When she opened the car door, I took that as in invitation, so I hopped right in. They were afraid to leave me in a parking lot with so many cars backing up, so they brought me home. But they did go back later to look and ask about my “first” family. They never found them. They put me outside in the carport when I got home with them because they had an older, grumpy kitty in the house.
=Lucky was mistreated by a bad boy in the neighborhood, but I just could not stand to read it again so I removed this part of the story and reposted Lucky's story...please forgive me Lucky's Mom...The WCT's Mom. =^..^=
My new family brought me home and took care of me. They think I had a concussion, my eyes were very dilated. So that is the story of how I also got my name, Lucky...because my momma says that I am "lucky to be alive."
Mom apologizes, but that was how it happened. My momma loves cats. My dad says we must have a "cat signal" that calls out to the neighborhood, like Batman's bat signal. They have never gone and picked out a cat, they always find my mom...all sad stories, but she wont tell them now.
All you kitty mommys & daddys are the best Pet HEROS.
So many lucky kitties.
NOTE to all kitties: The signal you hear is coming from Lucky's house! Go that way, for some good vittles...nice people that way. The best mom we hear...fm Lucky!
Smooches & purrs,
Sniffles, too,
The Tart
It's nice to read about all the found kitties getting good homes! We 3 were adopted from local shelters as very young kittens. I am asking Mom for my own kitten - probably a sister for me.
The Crew
The stray cat (Momma Kitty) that we took in is about to have babies ANY day. I can give you one Tipper. My momma says we are going to keep one. She really wants two, but my daddy says NOOOOOOO, three cats, one dog and a guinea pig are enough. Momma says there are never "enough".
Blackie's story was so full of feeling. There is so much love for cats in your home I salute you ! Small stories of all my cats are in my Photo Album http://katiphoto.blogspot.com/. Mökkö, Viiru, Osku, Emppu and Jami all had a unique story of how they came to me.
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