Our mom kisses our heads all the time. When we hear her walking our way, we automatically flatten our ears and wait for the big KISS. She makes a loud noise when she does it. Cept at night, then it is a very soft kiss.
So, what do you think?
Miss S, on behalf of Tannie Man
nope tannie...there are never too many kisses or too many boxes to hide in ;)
Yes, there is such a thing as too many nasty human kisses!! I HATE it when mine Mom kisses me. Course that don't matter to her, she just kiss, kiss, kisses me all the time....blech!
I like kisses but turtle HATES them - in fact she hates anything anyone does to her head. Mom had to explain to everybody else that turtle lived on the mean streets for a while, and it's pretty good that she lets herself get petted a little (she particular about petting, too). I like kisses myself. 'Cept sometimes when I'm in mean mode and I swat. Then Mom calls me a weiner and puts me down.
~ moose
Our mom kisses us way too much. She says that if God did not want her to kiss kitties on the head, he wouldn't have put that space between our ears.
Sometimes I think my mom kisses me too much. I get all squirmy and say, "Mom! What if somebody sees?"
And she always says, "They'd say, What a lucky boy that William is, his mom loves him so much."
Secretly I like that part.
We LOVE kisses. The ofer day, Mommy counted and Sammy gived her face 32 kisses in a row, and then I gived her 18 in a row. But, it was only 'acause she had eated some ham, and we was trying to see if there was any still there. But, don't tell her that.
Kisses are OK ... I have my own kiss technique. When Mom or Dad are at my level, I get real close and smell their breath. It lets them know I love them. But head kisses from them work too.
I hate kissies. So mama plays head bumpies with me and tells me she loves me. I head bumpie her back. *smile* She also scritches my head and says that too. The cat that went before me would lower her head when mama said kissie and wait to be kissed on it. Blegh!
I'm with William. I am embarassed when my mom kisses me in front of people.
She says I'm worse than a teenage human in that respect (not that teenagers don't like to kiss, because they do...but that they don't like being kissed by their mothers in public)!
Hey Whippy Curly Tails,
I want to catch up on your postin's but a thunderstorm is comin' and we need to unplug the magic typer. Please see this link about the bird flu in a German cat. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/
4758632.stm If the link doesn't work please see my latest postin'.
You may want to tell all your buddies about the story. Be careful out there.
Mine Mom says NO, I say YES!
Mine Mom always is chasing me and scooping me up and planting kisses all over my face, then her laughs cuz mine whiskers tickle her face.
She am kissing one or the other of us alla time. She kisses us more than she kisses Dad, for crying out loud!!! Enough MOM.....
No such thing as too much lovin'.
Mom gives us kisses all the time, but with no sound effects!
Hi Tannie Man and Miss S! I've started a new club for ginger kitties and you can join if you like! Check out the link to Gorgeous Gingers at my blog! Hope to see you there.
Yes, mummy kisses the top of my head all the time. But she doesn't make much noise when she does it.
Miss S, please let Tannie know that many humans don't believe this is possible, and that he should expect to receive kisses for years to come. (It's a human thing, sorta like when you touch noses with another kitty.) But just not on the mouth!
I hafta say that if you looked like you do in the picture above in my house, you'd get kissed far too much! Momma kisses me EVERYWHERE!!! My belly gets it, my sweet feet gets it, my head my back...ugh! She tries to kiss my smooch spot all the time! I push her away with my paws. I put them right on her lips and push! But then she gives me the whole "I saved you from the shelter, the least you can do is let me kiss your smooch"...ugh!!!
If you get a bald spot from it, yeah, you're being smooched way too much. Oterwise, you hafta put up with it. That's the price we pay for having use of their opposable thumbs...
you've been tagged! hope you bring it on. :)
Oh, Tannie, we're divided at our house, too. Bonnie barely puts up with kisses while Victor doesn't mind at all. He kisses back and nibbles my fingers. I don't think kitties can be kissed too much.
You can never be kissed to much. Mom loves to kiss our bellys and we like it ~Rodentia
Big smooches are okay (when no one else is looking) but little silent kisses are the best. It's possible to have too much of the first and not enough of the second type.
Oh, no....now Mom is kissing us more, cuz shes says now she knows it am normal (she thought she was the only one).
Miss Joss sez...
KisseZ R fine eksept SHe needs to GIvE us MOR treets. I like to KISS. AND bite.
LOL all you kitties.
So glad every furry stopped by! Lucky too!
My mommy loves to kiss me on the head and each time I raise my head to be kissed... I love that!
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